Classes & Coaching
I'm the Founder and CEO of Advice Project Media (the "Advice Project"), a not-for-profit organization that offers journalism training for youth and women around the world. I'm also a journalist who has appeared in The Washington Post, the BBC, CNN, DAME Magazine, and NPR, among many others, with work forthcoming in National Geographic and Smithsonian Magazine.
Through the Advice Project, I lead local and international programs, leadership summits, video-making labs, and writing workshops for teens and adults, with a focus on gender and environmental issues. I've taught classes in Peru, Cameroon, Guadeloupe, and the USA, and I'd love to see if there are ways to partner with your school or organization.
I leads one-week to month-long workshops, ongoing and leadership summits that incorporate writing workshops and adventure, and I'm available to assist your program in planning a trip.
Writing -- it's one of the most rewarding, and definitely one of the most challenging, activities.
As an essayist and journalist with work in The Washington Post, CNN, NPR, and the BBC, among many others, I can help you wipe out your writer's block so that you can start setting and meeting some of your writing goals.
Have you been sitting on an idea for an article, but you're not sure how to get started? Would you like to master the art of writing an essay? Do you have no clue where to to pitch, or you're just generally perplexed over how to get from A (an idea) to Z (publication). I'm here to help!
In addition to my journalism, I'm a youth advocate and also the Founder and CEO of Advice Project Media, a nonprofit that offers media and writing services to youth and women around the world, My book, Coping with Teen Pregnancy, will be published January, 2019 as part of Rosen Publishing's "Coping" series for teens and young adults. More than anything, I enjoy working one-on-one with writers of all ages and from all walks of life.
Coaching can assist with:
Goal setting
Professional development
Time management
Pitch process / submissions
Pushing through creative blocks
Learning the process of writing an essay or article, from beginning to end
Feedback on work-in-progress (Under five pages p/month - more than that will also require additional consultancy/reading services. Please note that I charge additional fees for proofreading and/or manuscript doctoring.)

My photography has appeared in BBC Travel, NPR, CNN Travel, ZiNG Magazine (Liat Airline's inflight publication), Village Voice, and Edible Brooklyn, among other publications. Blending the best of documentary and lifestyle photography, I've photographed families and nonprofits across four continents. I went to Columbia University for Art History, and I occasionally curate photography exhibits (the last was at the Polish Consulate) and teach Art History survey courses.
I lead one-day photography workshops and semester-long photography survey courses for CHILDREN & ADULTS. I teach my students the history of photography as well as basic photography mechanics, and provide plenty of "hands on" skills trainings.
All of my photography workshops focus on storytelling -- I help my students use the lenses of their cameras to tell a story.
Two-hour workshops for kids start at $500, while three-hour workshops for adults start at $1,000.